I've been working alot. Between being at a makeup counter and doing your own work feels like a whirlwind of days go by before you see daylight.
Thursday was a fab day! Shot with a great photographer producing a jewelry ad for the owners store. The day started with the photographer, myself, model #1, jewelry store owner and his assistant, wardrobe stylist, marketing guy and finally the security guard. Yep, closed set because we had lots and lots of diamonds to display (lucky models). Models were staggered and we went from 9am to 5pm so long day!
The client really likes the "Kim Kardashian" makeup look so did lots of nude lips and sculpted faces. The last model of the day was brought in by the owner and we went old hollywood with her. Super fun doing hair too, love that part of my job!
When doing a big job like this I find it's so much easier having a pallette with lots of wells for alcohol, brush cleaner etc. I try to set up my station much like at a makeup counter so I can maintain a very sanitary space and tools. That's my tip for the day!
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